For fans of Red and Blue Stickman Animation, this is fantastic news! The series' sequel, Water and Fire: Forest Maze on Miniclip games, has been finished and is currently accessible on mobile. The Forest Temple is a challenging platform puzzle game in which you must control a variety of characters. To go to the woodland temple's exit door, control both animals at the same time and activate buttons to move platforms, push boxes, and gather diamonds. Don’t forget to explore different choices of games on our site. They’re sure to keep you entertained. Some of the best options for you are Red and Blue Stickman Huggy and FNaF Shooter at
Instructions: How to play Red Stick Adventure : Animation vs Block Craft World - Move Red Stick by arrows and avoid obstacles. - Red boy must avoid the obstacle : water, enemy - Collect gems as many as possible Become a champion of a supreme stickman fight battle!